

Company name: Anna Simone Frohmann, BA

Legal structure: non-registered sole proprietor

Address: Goldschlagstraße 127/30, 1140 Vienna, Austria

Contact: To contact Anna, please use the contact form linked here or send an email.

Business purpose: Illustration and graphic design. Presentation and sale of services, digital and physical goods.

Granting country: Austria

VAT-Number: ATU72771814

Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKO): Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Section for Advertising and Market Communication

Supervisory authority: Municipal district authority (Magistratisches Bezirksamt) for the 14th District

Editorial policy: Presentation and sale of services, digital and physical goods. Information about goods and services of the company.

In reliable service to the creative industry since 2016.

Advised, supported & protected as a member of the AOI (Association of Illustrators), the IO (Illustrators’ Organization) and the WKO (Advertising & Market Communication Industry Association, Austria).